Thursday, March 16, 2017

It is Always Negative

Before Jon and I were married we talked about starting a family and how many children we want. When we did get married I was deep down hoping for a honeymoon baby but alas the test was negative and for months I would take a test hoping for that second little line but that has never been the case, it is always negative.  With the two pregnancy's that I did not know about, I did not even take a test.
Jon has told me over and over that my worth as a women is not based on being able to have children or to be an excellent homemaker.  My worth is that Heavenly Father created me, that he loves me for who I am.  My worth is the love that I have for others that he has shown me.  To have Faith, Divine Nature, Individual Worth, Knowledge, choice and accountability, Good works, Integrity and Virtue.  This is the Young Women Theme.

Women and young women today have very little confidence in themselves and they don't believe that their worth is nothing, I believe that if they had these values in their life that things would be so much better for them to give them the chance in life to do better than what the world is telling them.  The world is telling them that you are no good because you don't look like this or that, or that you are not good enough, or that if your not a parent then you are useless or if you do have children that you shouldn't be because you need to work to make this world better.  for what I have to say to all of this NO you stop listening to the world, and you do what makes you happy, for heavenly father create you to come to this world and to be happy.  
Psalms 37:4 Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you desires of your heart.  