Monday, February 22, 2016

My Hero's

So I just wanted to take a minute to update what is going on in my little life because I haven't posted anything in a while so here is the spill...Jon and I were able to go to the temple last Tuesday and while we were in Twin we stopped at the Police department because they are hiring police officers and that is Jon's dream job is to become a police officer.  They took his application and told him that they are testing on the 26 of February...yikes only a few days of training and we have been training our butts off...Jon is certified to be an E.M.T. and so he has been volunteering with the hospital and then just the other day he turned in his application to become a a volunteer fire fighter and was accepted for that and it boosted his chances of getting that because he is an E.M.T. so tonight he was given some of his equipment for fire fighter and I think he looks good in his uniform he looks very small in it.
Heavenly father hears our prayers in all things but we need to remember that we need to follow his timing.  we can have plans and more plans but things don't always work out but sometimes things work out better than expected.
This post is called hero's because Jon is my hero, but my father is my hero.  He was in the Navy.  He was a cop and a fire fighter before I was born.  My mom has told me stories about when they were first married how he was working for B.L.M. fighting fires and there was one fire that she did not hear from him for days and when she did hear him it was only for a few minutes.  I come from a line of military men and if i had a better back and hip and hearing I would have joined the Navy but things happened and my purpose is here and we all need to learn that it is not our timing but or father in heaven.
I wish i had a picture of my dad when he was in the Navy but I don't and I would have to find a really old picture of him or find one of the old Navy Yearbooks, but here is my Jon.  He looks so good in his uniform.  

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Listen to the Still Small Voice

Jon and I were able to go to the temple yesterday and it was an amazing day but it was cloudy and kinda breezy and because it is still the middle of winter it was kinda dead.  we were walking hand in hand to the front of the temple and Jon was like look even the dead plants in the flower beds want to come in but the temple won't let them in because they are not worthy to come into the temple.  The temple is such a beautiful place that I don't want heavenly father to tell me that I am not worthy to enter into the temple.  I want to be able to listen to what my father is telling me.  Later that night Jon and I were having scripture study and we were in 1Kings 19:11-12 it reads And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the Lord.  And, behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the Lord; but the Lord was not the wind: and after the wind an earthquake;but the Lord was not in the earthquake: And After the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.
Heavenly father is there but he is not the one that causes heartache or misery for us he is the one to let us know that hey everything is all right I am here.  He is there to listen to us when we need help and guidance.  I was in relief society Sunday and to me that is a big deal because most Sundays I am working so I can't go to Relief society but I managed to go.  Our teacher who her daughter has suffered so much in her life, and just adding one more thing to her was about it and she was like mom I give up.
We sometimes get to that point in our lives that we see all this distraction going on in our lives that can impact us negatively but if we hold on look up and listen to that still small voice we can make it back to our Father in Heaven.  He did not send us here on earth to fail, he sent us here to learn and grow so when we come back to him we can tell him all we learned from our mistakes and thank him for sending us there because we have a greater understanding of why we needed to come to earth.  Right now we don't know everything that is going to happen but I promise you al this, go to your Bishop if you feel like you are not worthy to go to the temple he will help and guide you so that you can be one day ready to go to the temple.  He knows the blessings that our Father in Heaven has in store for us.  Trust in him.
A quote by Howard W. Hunter: Perhaps what this world needs, is to look up to look up in our joys as well as our afflictions, in our abundance as well as in our need.
I left a link that if anybody wants to listen to this talk it is so worth it and you will be blessed to hear it.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Valentines Day

For God
So Loved the world
That he gave his
son so 
that whoever
in him shall
Have everlasting life
John 3:16

I just wanted to wish everybody a happy late valentines day.  Valentines does not have to be fancy in any way.  What I did for jon is that I wrote on the bathroom mirror that i have put on here, and then we went to church.  When we got home I started to make dinner and had family and friends come over and we played Skipbo the card game while eating chocolate fondu.  It was pretty fun but very simple.  However I believe that love is in the air still.  I can't say anything about it but i am pretty excited of what is going to happen soon and it is going to be a fun date.
Also an update because i have not been on here for a bit...on Friday I am officially C.P.R. and first aid trained.  For me this is a big step because I am in the Ventures Program which is part of the Boy Scouts Program but this is co-ed for girls and boys and I now qualify for my Discovery award and part of my Trust award that I working on with the help of my wonderful husband.  With the trust award it is a religious award that has so many things that i need to get done and I am like my deadline is coming up very soon so I need to get a work on it but I have most of it done.   It has taught me a lot about other peoples religion and how not to judge other peoples way of worship.  You worship the way you worship.  I was taught in a very strong L.D.S religion and I am sticking to it because to me it is the right church.  others will say that their religion is the right religion, so I don't argue because they have been taught what they know.
We are all trying to better our lives by going to church other other things and we are trying to get to a better place with our lives so that one day we can be able to live with Heavenly Father.  I was not sent here on earth to bash other religions or anything like that, because i ask myself when people bash on the "Mormons" would the savior want me to do that to my brothers and sisters who don't know the truth?  We were made in his likeness so how could we be mean to other people?  Valentines day was placed on earth to show that we can love everybody and it is a reminder that we should try and love everybody.  I have a hard time with that myself but I have been placed here on earth to try and love everybody because i don't want to meet my maker and be sad because i treated somebody unkindly.
So I challenge you all who reads my blog to be nice to somebody new today.  Say hi to somebody or something I don't know but be nice.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Faith in Christ

This past couple of days I have felt severely sad and lonely have the feeling of no hope and despair is all i deserve.  I have made a horrible mistake of telling my best friend in this whole wide world of what I think of this one thing that has been bothering me.  I found a video earlier todays about Ted Bundy of before he was electrocuted about how he was raised in a good christian home and how one little slip of something could change your life forever.
I have no right to place judgment on somebody it is not my place and I am truly sorry if I have ever judged somebody to harshly but I am hoping that one day i can be forgiven for all of my misdeeds because it has dragged me down to feel like i have no desire to move on in my life.  
I want to give those who are struggling in one form of another that there is hope and help out there for you.  If it is by going to counseling or an AA meeting or whatever it may be get the help.  Remember to forgive often and to receive forgiving and to ask of it.  it is a hard thing so don't make the other person feel like they are all alone in this because we have the savior and he will be willing to stand by them and wrap his arms around them and help them so why can't we.  Come unto Jesus.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Sad Times, Happy Times

So I feel like I need to share this because there is not a whole lot of people that will openly talk about it and I feel like it gets swept under the carpet and us women will bury our emotions deep down inside us and so I want to share my story in hope that I can have other people relate to what I am going through or what you guys are going through.
November of 2015 I woke up one morning and new I was expecting.  I was throwing up all morning long and then I felt better and then i would try and eat something and throw it back up again.  I was going to go to work and then after work I was going to pick up a pregnancy test but I new deep down that I was.  Jon came home from work for lunch and I was headed out the door.  In our drive way we have these logs that divide our lawn from the drive way and I thought I had passed over them to get to the car but i tripped over it and fell twisting my ankle.  Jon didn't see what had happened but i was crying and he herd me crying so he went outside and picked me up and took me into the house.  My foot hurt so bad but by laying there I was feeling pressure and pain in my lower back.  i could barley move.  Jon gave me so Ibuprofen to hopefully take some of the pain away but it was getting worse so he took me to the E.R.  They needed to get some X-rays done and they did some blood work to see if I was pregnant and it came back negative.  I new I was going through a miscarriage.  When the Dr. got back my X-rays they told me I comprsed my spine and sprained my ankle.  i was still in a lot of pain but we were released to go home.
When we finally got home I new what I had to do and what was happening.  Jon helped me to the bathroom and then the phone rang and he went to go answer it and while he was on the phone I had the baby.  Jon still didn't know that I was pregnant or anything and I feel so bad that I didn't tell him.  I went and played down and cried myself to sleep for a little bit, but jon woke me up because the sister missionaries were coming over and my parents were coming over along with one of my brother in laws to give me a blessing of healing.  after everybody left we were finally able relax a little bit i was laying on the couch and jon was headed to our room.  I didn't want him to be in our bed alone but it was his choice but after five minutes of being inner room he came out with a blanket and pillow and he crashed on the floor for the night.
I had every opportunity to tell Jon what had happened but I couldn't find the words or the timing or anything in between to tell him that we had lost a baby.
Three weeks ago I was talking to one of my cousins who is expecting her first one and seeing some of my friends and family member who are not married and having children have really bothered me a lot because Jon and I have worked so hard to have a child and then losing one it opens up old wounds but I couldn't share it with Jon, Just that fact that we can't get pregnant.  Anyway as I was saying about talking to my cousin I told her about having a miscarriage and so on and so forth.  I had to go to work that day and so when I came home home my sister was over and was having out with us.  Jon was reading our phone and he was like "Why didn't you tell me?"  I was confused at what he was talking about and so he showed me and I started to cry and I told him that I thought you would be mad and there was a lot going on and I just never found the right time and that I didn't want him to find out like that.  He gave me a hug and we both cried together and he told me " that gives me hope to have a family."  My sister was confused so we told her what was going on and she was like you need to tell mom.  my mom came to pick my sister up the next day and my sister telling me in front of our mom that I needed to tell her.  I didn't say a word and didn't even look at her.  later that night my mom was texting me and telling me that when she got home she knew that a little baby boy was sent home to heaven.
I was able to go to the temple the other day and when I was in the celestial room I was given the words that Julian Reed will be just fine and that he is so proud to have been able to come to earth and have two amazing parents and that one day I will be able to raise him.
I know that God lives.  I know he has a plan for everything.  I know that this life is going to be a challenge and a trial of our faith to prove our heavenly father that we trust in him in all things, so that one day we will be able to make it back into out loving Heavenly Fathers arms.  I know that one day I will be able to see my children on the other side and the ones I didn't raise here on earth I will be given the chance to raise in Heaven.  I know that Heavenly Father loves me and that he cares for me. I know it I live it I believe in it.
I have come to terms that one day I will be able to have a baby and raise it here on earth and that they will know of their brother who is waiting for us.  The world is a harsh world and you will see friends and relatives who are expecting their babies but don't give up.  Be happy for them and know that your beautiful creation will be waiting for you to raise them.
Mom and dad are excited to meet you Julian Reed Hunt and we love you, but for right now you get your siblings ready to come to earth.  We miss you sweet little boy.

Friday, February 5, 2016

My First Comment

So yesterday I finally got my first comment on my page.  I am so means I am finally moving up in the world lol.  now if everybody could make a bunch of comments that would be awesome because it is a spiritual boost in my life to get appraisal from other people.  so come on people make comments share my website and I promise in the next couple of post they will be really interesting to read.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Jackson Cemetery Idaho

So yesterday Jon and I were able to go to the Jackson Cemetery for some pictures.  Most people from the Rupert Idaho area are like there is a cemetery in Jackson?  To answer this little question yes there is a cemetery it is very small and it holds pioneers of that time in there.  Earlier this morning I found out that there are 17 people buried out there.  I found this out on  Hopefully in the next couple of months My Venturing group and the Boy Scouts will all be able to go and help clean this cemetery because it sure needs a lot of work.  but here are the pictures we were able to take.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Zumba Day

So who is ready to start a new chapter in their lives?  I know I am and that is by being healthy.  I am getting healthy by going to zumba on mondays and wednesdays and i believe that this is the best work out ever...i feel happier healthier and do I dare more amazing...this is day three of my Zumba challenge and I would love to share it with everybody around.
I'm sorry but no make up on 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Family Home Evening

So last night it was my turn to do family home evening and when it is just Jon and I it is very hard to find something that we can both do that is spiritual so thank you to Pintrest I was able to find something that this family had done and that is by making a poster for there home of the Scripture Doctrine and Covenants 88:119 which reads:  Organize yourselves: prepare every needful thing and establish a House even a house of prayer a house of fasting a house of faith a house of learning a house of glory a house of order a house of God.
so for our activity we made Mini posters of this scripture.  Jon was a house that it didn't have words it had symbols mine was of the words but it was cheery because i colored the main words and my thinking about that is that heavenly father wants us to be happy and finding happy colors in an every day object can easily put a smile on your face.  This was a great activity for both of us and I think we can all take something from this.

our poster together mine has the tree Jon is the House



Lazy Days

Today is a lazy day.  Im sitting home working on my blog and thinking I should really put my laundry away...or I should vacuum the floor or clean the kitchen, but I have a feeling it won't happen today maybe tomorrow.  I did however manage to transfer laundry in the washer and the dryer and gather all the laundry that needs to be washed.  but I don't want the laundry to be sitting on my couch so i guess I will have to fold them and put them away and the floor looks like they need to be vacuumed so I guess they should be vacuumed.  today is an extremely lazy day.